What we do ...

After you have contacted us, we will arrange a consultation meeting at your convenience. During the consultation we will cover everything we need to know about your dog. Then we will join you on a walk to see how your dog behaves with you and what commands you use. 
We will collect your dog in our Renault Zero Emissions Electric van. They will then be safely transported in their own crate. 
If on a pack adventure we will collect friends to join your dog. We form packs that are of similar size and energy to make sure everyone benefits from the adventure.
Only once we have arrived at the destination for the adventure will time begin. Making sure your dog has the full amount of time agreed. 
Your dog will also be joined by a fit and healthy human on the adventure who will encourage your dog to interact with the other dogs in the pack and it's environment. Making the adventure an interactive one. 
After your dog has been physically and mentally exercised the human will dry them off, wipe their paws, freshen up their water and take time to settle the dog back into their home. 
You will also receive photos and videos of your dogs adventure. Your family and friends can also check out what your dogs been up-to by following our Instagram and Facebook page. 

Where we go ...

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